Homemade Bagels

Homemade Bagels

Could it be something delicious than fresh homemade pastries? Aromatic, soft and fluffy? I can not imagine my life without bread and bread. Fortunately, I got the genes from my dad and, as my mom says, I'm "always a skinny and poor child". But I use that and without any worm in my conscience take the second and third and sometimes the fourth bun. Oops ... Who wrote this?

I like to bake in the kitchen. The preparation of the main dishes, soups, salads does not inspire me so and brings no such enjoyment as any realized idea of ​​a dessert or a successful bread recipe.

And how can you not taste the recipe of the bagels? Oh, I did not dare for a long time because I thought the bagels were a bit too difficult and too boring. But one fine day, I gathered my thoughts and powers together and prepared these bagels. And what should I say? I was pleasantly surprised that the recipe is not that difficult. And the result ... it exceeded my expectations.  

Homemade bagels are my big love, an ideal breakfast or a quick snack. And today I want to share this delicious recipe with you.

  • 300 ml of warm water
  • 1 pck dry yeast
  • 25 g of sugar
  • 500g flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Seeds for sprinkling

  • I had spelled flour. You can mix plain wheat flour 1: 1 with whole wheat flour or add a little oatmeal, buckwheat flour or any other.
  • Add 150 ml of water to a glass, add sugar and yeast and mix well. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Sift the flour into a large plate, add salt and pour off the yeast mixture. Mix well and add the remaining (150 ml) water and oil.
  • Knead the elastic dough. Then leave in a warm place for 45 minutes. I heat oven to 50 °, switch off and leave the dough there.
  • If the dough increases in volume twice, you can continue. Divide the dough into 10 equal balls. Make a hole in the middle of the ball with one thumb and stretch the bagel until it gets one and a half times bigger. Cover shaped bagels and let rest for 10 minutes.
  • Switch on the oven at this time and heat up to 170 degrees. Put a large pot of water on the stove and add some salt.
  • Lower the bagels into boiling water and cook on both sides for 1 minute. It's best done with a wide spatula to avoid damaging the shape.
  • Sprinkle hot bagels with seeds and bake in the oven for about 15-20 minutes until they brown.
  • And then you can let it cool down or enjoy it right away.


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